Ethics Hotline
The Ethics Hotline is an independent service that allows Metcash employees to ‘blow the whistle’ on any fraud, corruption or illegal conduct without fear of retribution or reprisal. It’s been set up to ensure the workplace remains a safe and secure environment, free from professional misconduct including fraud, theft and other unethical behaviour.
Metcash prides itself on being an ethical and safe place at which to work. The Ethics Hotline has been set up to ensure the workplace remains this way. It is confidential and anonymous and operated by PKF Integrity Services, a company that is independent of Metcash and specialises in providing this kind of service.
There are three ways to make a report:
1. Via the confidential Ethics Hotline:
Phone: 1800 835 587 (AUS) or 00800 5100 5200 (NZ)
2. Using the web-based ‘Business Conduct and Ethics Hotline’:
3. Post your report to:
PKF Integrity Services (BMNS) Pty Ltd
Level 8, 1 O’Connell Street,
Sydney NSW 2000